Digital Decathlon

Project duration: 1.12.2022 — 31.3.2025
Funding program: Erasmus+ (KA220-HED — Coope­ration partnerships in higher education)

Project leader:

  • Jade Hochschule (Jade University of Applied Sciences), Germany


  • Bergische Univer­sität Wuppertal (University of Wuppertal), Germany
  • Universita degli studi di Firenze (University of Florence), Italy
  • Karelia Ammat­ti­kor­kea­koulu Oy (Karelia University of Applied Sciences), Finland
  • Politechnika Warszawska (Warsaw University of Technology), Poland


“Digital Decathlon” is a student design compe­tition held at European univer­sities. The goal of the project is to develop an innovative, curriculum-integrated educa­tional offering to enhance digitization compe­tencies in higher education and to teach Building Infor­mation Modelling (BIM) technology through the partici­pation in an inter­disciplinary design team. The compe­tition promotes inter­discipli­narity through the colla­bo­ration of construction-related disciplines on a joint project and inter­na­tio­na­lizes higher education to promote social and intercul­tural compe­tences and strengthen European identity.

Two compe­ti­tions are planned, each to be held during one winter semester, the first in the 2023/2024 academic year and the second in 2024/2025. At the beginning of each compe­tition joint lectures and workshops will be held for all partici­pants, and at the end of each compe­tition there will be a central final event with the presen­tation of projects and the selection of winners. All projects will be published on a dedicated website.

The ten disciplines of the “digital Decathlon” are divided among the five univer­sities. Jade University of Applied Sciences shall be respon­sible for integrated study programs as decent­ra­lized simulation games and will and Jade University shall focuse on archi­tec­tural aspects as well as will be respon­sible for Quantity Take Off based on 3D model.

The BIM Institute at the University of Wuppertal has developed an e‑learning course that will be upstreamed as a quali­fication for partici­pating in the compe­tition. The second discipline is product tracking to provide site trans­pa­rency and compre­hensive insight into the production of building materials.

The Karelia University of Applied Sciences shall introduce Green BIM in the scope of compe­tition works. As the compe­tition is not only about building more digitally, but also about using the digital trans­for­mation to build better, more resource-efficient, climate-friendly and quality-assured buildings. The Karelia University of Applied Sciences is supporting the project in the disciplines of timber construction/structural design and life-cycle assessment.

The University of Florence, with its focus on simulation with 3D models, can contribute to the inves­ti­gation and optimization of student projects for sustai­na­bility aspects. Their second discipline is construction process simulation.

The Warsaw University of Technology will be respon­sible for designing building services, coordi­nation and commu­nication through BIM tools, techniques and processes. Both disciplines are very important for obtaining well-coordi­nated industry BIM models and equipped with systems properly modeled, as well as designed for the assumed function of the building.

More infor­mation about the project.

Contact person:

Ossi Laakkonen
+358 40 037 3767


Hankkeen kick-off tilaisuus Olden­bur­gissa, Saksassa 15.–16.2.2023.

Digital Decathlon — 1. kilpailun aloitus Wupper­ta­lissa, Saksassa, 10.–11.10.2023.

Digital Decathlon ‑1. kilpailun päätös Firenzessä, Italiassa, 14.–15.2.2024.

Digital Decathlon — 2. kilpailun aloitus Varso­vassa Puolassa 17.–22.11.2024.

Digital Decathlon — 2. kilpailun päätös Joensuussa 11.–13.2.2024.